Week 12

Our teammates ,Shreyan and Rithwik went to the city shaper kick off meeting on August 1st  and Shreyan shared the updates with the team. We found out that the first round of FLL  is in December and the second round is in January.
We went over the city shaper kick of video and discussed about the different cities and structures in the video  ,roles of the people involved in building a city and problems with the building or public space in our community.
We each wrote down the pros and cons of increasing population such as Resources, Space, entertainment and traffic.
One of my teammates went to Zadar ,Croatian city and shared that the city made a water origin that uses wind and water to make music and there is a dance floor that is solar powered so it glows at night.

Field Trip: Mr. William Hodge

Today we took a field trip to an architect, Mr. William Hodge from Ochona, architecture firm.

We learned all about sustainable houses and structures.

For example, how different materials help to resist natural disasters.

It was a fun an informative session, and we had a lot of questions!

On our Way!

It's already August, and the missions have been released.

We are meeting every day to discuss robotics and both robots are fully working.

We also built the buildings, trees, and other figures for the missions.

We are also planning a trip to Austin Energy to learn how energy gets to our home. We can't wait to learn!